1.Instant cooling *2 and moisturization care for sunburnt scalp Point * after exposure to UV rays. 接触紫外线后晒伤的头皮瞬间冷却测&保湿的护理。
2.Eliminate hair greasiness of bangs in the evening and Point flat hair!Achieve silky scalp and hair from roots with sebum adsorption. 解决午后的出油刘海和扁塌的头顶! 吸附发根的皮脂让头发顺滑。
3.Maintain comfort and confidence even in close contact situations such as on the train or in the elevators with scalp odor suppression. 电车里或电梯里,必须近距离接触的画面也可以 使用。抑制头皮昇味,让心情更好更有自信。
Use it as many times as you want, anytime of the day! 出状况前, 出状况时, 一天里可以使用很多次!